It can be a challenge to find a truly excellent technician — a technician that goes above and beyond for their customers and puts their safety above anything else. Fortunately, the team at Dick’s Automotive strives only for excellence, and we meet and exceed that standard each time you visit our auto repair shop in Clovis.
What exactly makes an excellent technician? Here are 4 key qualities:
Technicians have strong work ethics. They get the job done right the first time, making sure to go above and beyond for their clients to ensure their safety and security.
An excellent technician solve even the trickiest of problems on the finickiest of vehicles. They don’t balk when faced with a tough problem; instead, they love the challenge and eager to get you back on the road as soon as possible.
An excellent technician will have strong technical skills. Nowadays, cars are more like computers on wheels, and technicians need a firm grasp and understanding of technology.
Communication is essential, not only to their team members, but to customers. An excellent technician will be transparent and upfront about the services their vehicles need immediately, and which services can wait until next time.
For a team of excellent technicians, you are in the right place. The team at Dick’s Automotive possess those four qualities and more. Contact us today to set up an appointment with our qualified and honest technicians. We are conveniently located at 1550 Tollhouse Road in Clovis, CA. 93611, and we look forward to seeing you and your vehicle soon!